- 用一次性郵箱、臨時郵箱註冊;
- 用無意義隨機生成字串做暱稱。
- 用常用個人郵箱註冊;
- 用有意義和有趣的暱稱;
- 完善個人頭像和個人信息。
- 未經管理員授權的廣告;
- 未經管理員授權販賣視頻;
- 從圖像判斷,人物明顯未成年的內容,和
- 雖無法從圖像判斷未成年,但作者聲稱包含未成年人的內容。
- 迷姦影像;
- 偷拍影像;
- 毒品使用影像;
- 復仇情色;
- 威脅、恐嚇、騷擾、咒罵他人。
- 短標題,欺騙性標題,或標題不說明主旨;
- 不符合交友版規則的交友文;
- 賞圖文照片解析度低,或照片數量少於3張;
- 電影文視頻長度少於30秒,壓縮鋸齒嚴重,或覆蓋多個水印;
- 電影文將主題不相關視頻放一起做合集;
- 漫畫文將主題不相關雜圖放一起做合集;
- 情色小說含有亂碼,或排版混亂影響閱讀;
- 批量頂舊貼,無意義回帖;
- 長篇引用原文(圖片)回帖;
- 相同內容重複發文;
- 要求回复超過一定數量才發內容的貼文。
- 原創的視頻、圖片、文章;
- 清晰、高質素的轉載內容。
Account and profile
Prohibited behaviors
- Register with a disposable or temporary email address;
- Use a meaningless randomly generated string as nickname.
We will ban and delete accounts with the above behaviors.
Encouraged behaviors
- Register with a personal email address;
- Use meaningful and interesting nicknames;
- Upload profile photo and fill in personal information.
Posts and contents
Prohibited contents
- Unauthorized ads;
- Selling videos or other contents without approval;
Underage pornography, including
- Contents with characters obviously underage, and
- Contents claimed by the author to contain minors.
- Drug rape videos or images;
- Hidden cam videos or images;
- Videos or images depicting drug use;
- Revenge porn;
- Threat, intimidate, harass, or curse others.
We will ban and delete the accounts that post the above contents.
Discouraged contents
- Short title, deceptive title, or title that does not summarize the post content;
- Dating posts fail to conform to Online Dating forum rules;
- Low resolution images, or fewer than 3 photos;
- Videos shorter than 30 seconds, with severe compression artifacts, or covered with large watermarks;
- Irrelevant videos randomly put together in a post;
- Manga or anime posts with irrelevant images randomly put together;
- Erotic novels containing garbled characters, illy formatted for reading comfort;
- Bumping up ancient posts with meaningless replies;
- Quoting the whole original post in a reply;
- Duplicate posts;
- Posts that asks for a number of replies before posting substantial contents.
We will remove the above contents and lower the poster's reputation. Repeated offence will lead to account deletion.
Encouraged content
- Original videos, pictures, articles;
- Clear, high quality syndicated content.